March 2001 Alternative Object Icons for Easy Object Designer. For use with any version. OVERVIEW This Zip file contains an alternative set of object icons for EOD. They are displayed as a matrix on the left-hand side of the main program dialog box. The icons are 'active', and by clicking on them, the relevant object properties dialog box is activated. I did not dislike the original set that comes with EOD, but I wanted to design icons that had more of a 'technical drawing' look with the use of simple colours to highlight the object's shape. INSTALLATION Unzip this file into the ...EOD/Objects folder, overwriting the original set. DISCLAIMER No warranty for this add-on is expressed, implied or otherwise made. I am not in any way responsible for any damages caused to your computer resulting from the use or misuse of this add-on, including loss of data, loss of profits, or damage to any software or hardware component. These icons are not to be used for any commercial gain or profit and are solely for use as freeware in the EOD application. SUPPORT Up-to-date versions of these icons are found at: AUTHORS EOD and original icons: Matthias Brueckner Alternative icons: Nick Pike Do not hesitate to email any comments