FsEffects Copyright and Distribution

eodhptop.GIF (108 Byte)

This program is released as Freeware. Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Matthias Brückner. As freeware you are permitted to distribute the archive subject to the following conditions,

- The archive must be distributed without modification to the contents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any files added, removed or modified is prohibited.

- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited.

- This program may be used only for private use. Any commercial use is forbidden.

- Publication for commercial Freeware or Shareware collections is forbidden without the express permission of the author. The same applies for its distribution on the Internet for fees.

- The authors' rights and wishes concerning this archive must be respected.

Briefly: This program must not be used for commercial benefit.

Use this program at your own risk. I do not take responsibility for any problems or damage to your system which may occur by the use of this program.

Do you have a question or a doubt: Just send me an E-Mail to mbrueckner@echos.ch


Matthias Brückner
Easy Object Designer Website